: StringName of the project
: StringGas price used for calculating fee
fee = ceil(gas_limit * gas_price)
will be simulated if left unchecked
: f64Adjusting
from simulated gas as a safety factor to make sure gas_limit is enought for the tx.
When user doesn't specifygas_limit
,gas_limit = simulated_gas * gas_adjustment
is simulated gas consumption for the tx.
: StringPrefix for the address
: StringBIP-32 derivation path used for creating account from mnemonic
: Map < String, Network >Map of the available network configuration to interact with via beaker
: StringChain id used for defining which network you are operating on
: NetworkVariantNetwork variant used to specify whether state file of the network should be tracked in vcs or not
: NetworkVariant::LocalBeaker's state of the network will not be shared with collaborator via vcs
: NetworkVariant::SharedBeaker's state of the network will be shared with collaborator via vcs
: StringEndpoint for grpc
: StringEndpoint for rpc
: Map < String, Account >Predefined account used for interacting with the chain
: Account::FromMnemonicUsed for specifying account from mnemonic, eg.
{ mnemonic = "satisfy adjust timber high purchase tuition stool faith fine install that you unaware feed domain license impose boss human eager hat rent enjoy dawn" }
For testing only, for production or wallet with fair amount of coins on mainnet, don't specify these information in plain textmnemonic
: String
: Account::FromPrivateKeyUsed for specifying account from private key, eg.
{ private_key = "SNI8xBejBnTpB6JAPxCfCC2S4ZeCPQLmpCPGrrjkEgQ=" }
For testing only, for production or wallet with fair amount of coins on mainnet, don't specify these information in plain textprivate_key
: String
Default Config
name = ''
gas_price = '0.025uosmo'
gas_adjustment = 1.3
account_prefix = 'osmo'
derivation_path = '''m/44'/118'/0'/0/0'''
chain_id = 'localosmosis'
network_variant = 'Local'
grpc_endpoint = 'http://localhost:9090'
rpc_endpoint = 'http://localhost:26657'
chain_id = 'osmo-test-5'
network_variant = 'Shared'
grpc_endpoint = ''
rpc_endpoint = ''
chain_id = 'osmosis-1'
network_variant = 'Shared'
grpc_endpoint = ''
rpc_endpoint = ''
mnemonic = 'satisfy adjust timber high purchase tuition stool faith fine install that you unaware feed domain license impose boss human eager hat rent enjoy dawn'
mnemonic = 'notice oak worry limit wrap speak medal online prefer cluster roof addict wrist behave treat actual wasp year salad speed social layer crew genius'
mnemonic = 'quality vacuum heart guard buzz spike sight swarm shove special gym robust assume sudden deposit grid alcohol choice devote leader tilt noodle tide penalty'
mnemonic = 'symbol force gallery make bulk round subway violin worry mixture penalty kingdom boring survey tool fringe patrol sausage hard admit remember broken alien absorb'
mnemonic = 'bounce success option birth apple portion aunt rural episode solution hockey pencil lend session cause hedgehog slender journey system canvas decorate razor catch empty'
mnemonic = 'second render cat sing soup reward cluster island bench diet lumber grocery repeat balcony perfect diesel stumble piano distance caught occur example ozone loyal'
mnemonic = 'spatial forest elevator battle also spoon fun skirt flight initial nasty transfer glory palm drama gossip remove fan joke shove label dune debate quick'
mnemonic = 'noble width taxi input there patrol clown public spell aunt wish punch moment will misery eight excess arena pen turtle minimum grain vague inmate'
mnemonic = 'cream sport mango believe inhale text fish rely elegant below earth april wall rug ritual blossom cherry detail length blind digital proof identify ride'
mnemonic = 'index light average senior silent limit usual local involve delay update rack cause inmate wall render magnet common feature laundry exact casual resource hundred'
mnemonic = 'prefer forget visit mistake mixture feel eyebrow autumn shop pair address airport diesel street pass vague innocent poem method awful require hurry unhappy shoulder'